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Post by G0CUZ »

If you do not know what FISTS is all about, you probably don't need to read this.

Winlog32 has supported a FISTS lookup routine for a long time, I do not maintain such a member list myself so the problem has usually been obtaining a suitable updated list of members in a suitable text based format.

I have recently been pointed to a more current list of FISTS members, which is updated four times a year.

Here you can download (using the SAVE AS option) "List in a comma delimited text format"

However there are a couple of simple things that need to be done to this file before it will work with Winlog32.

When you have downloaded the file, open it in "WORDPAD" (NOT Notepad - this is important), then immediately SAVE the file - nothing else needs to be done with contents of this file!.
Now change the name of the file to "FISTS.lst".
Copy this file into your ..\Winlog32\DATA folder.
When you next LOAD a Log or start Winlog32, Winlog32 menu/Database will have an extra option FISTS which can be enabled if you require this option

When entering a Callsign into the log, any QSO with a FISTS member will 'pop-up' with any other details from the list.

73 Colin G0CUZ
Winlog32 Author
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