
You may post here if you are having problems with Winlog32 that others may be able to help you with. You may also report bugs so that the author may act upon them.
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Post by Vlasta »

Hi, I guess the FTdx10 is like the FTdx101D. Is it true?
73 ok1fim
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Re: FTdx10

Post by G0CUZ »

Yes, I think all protocols are the same for all latest Yaesu, so FTDX101D should be OK.

If no go, please let me know and I'll try and resolve it.

73 Colin
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Re: FTdx10

Post by Vlasta »

Hi Colin
and thaks, it seems to be going. I am biginnig with FT10 and if some problem I will write.
73 Vlasta
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Re: FTdx10

Post by Vlasta »

Hi Colin,
I have some problem with comunication my FTdx10 to LOG. I am using the setting of FTdx101D or FTdx101MP, it is the same and W7 or W10 .
Actually LOG to TRX - 100% O.K.
TRX to LOG - eny moving on the TRX must be cfmed by the click on "Initialise" in LOG window .
I have tested it on a LOG HX3 (RX4HX autor) and works O.K.
Maybe it is some different on FT10 compared to FT101, maybe I am doing something wrong.
Can you help?
Thank you much and 73, Vlasta OK1FIM
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Re: FTdx10

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Vlasta

I think you should contact me direct via email after making some test, it may be a bit quicker.......

Also confirm that your rig is not connected to any other software via the same Com Port - Com will not work on both software.

If that is not the case then................

Close Winlog32

Set rig's VFO to 14.250 (not using any rig's memory functions)

Open Winlog32, & open RCW Yaesu V #1,

If no frequency is displayed in RCW, then click on 'init' button,

RCW Menu - Settings - tab Options

Enable 'Debug on' option

Move Rig VFO ONCE ONLY - you should see data packets arrive in the debug window.

I need to look at the result, I only need a few lines of code, so DISABLE debug after this test.

Please can you send me a screen shot attached to email of the result in debug window.

If no data packets arrive in debug window when RIG VFO is turned, then perhaps there is a setting on the Rig, but may have look at the manual.

73 Colin, G0CUZ
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Re: FTdx10

Post by Vlasta »

Hi Colin,
thank you much for your help. Problem is solved, the cause was probably wrong adapter RS232 - USB. I use a cable USB A - USB C now and it works very well.
I am sorry to delay you.
GL and 73, Vlasta
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Re: FTdx10

Post by G0CUZ »

OK Vlasta

Thanks for letting me know and glad it is working now,

73 Colin, G0CYZ
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