Fixing Errors in DXCC Database

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Fixing Errors in DXCC Database

Post by VE3QN »

I have a couple of problems with the DXCC database. In both cases I want to correct errors which have appeared in my DXCC entries. First, I changed the "Country" allocation for two contacts made several years ago. CE9GEW was shown as "Antartica" but was actually South Shetland Island. VP8BXK was shown as Falkland Islands but was actually South Orkney Island. Finally, I entered a contact with A35RK in error as 14 Mhz but went back to correct it to 24 Mhz.
My DXCC database now shows both Antartica and South Shetland as worked countries and both Falklands and South Orkney as countries worked. It also shows me as having worked A35RK on both 14 Mhz and 24 Mhz.
How do I get rid of the erronoeus duplicate entries?
Thanks in advance.

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Fixing Errors in DXCC Database

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Brian

You can delete any QSO from the DXCC database using the following method

Find the QSO you wish to delete in the DXCC database.
Click on the QSO line.
Click on the leftmost column of this line (the grey one with the arrow)
This will highlight the complete line.
Press the Keyboard delete key.
Job done.
This is how to delete QSO's from the other databases excepting the log where you must use the toolbar button.

73 Colin G0CUZ
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Fixing Errors in DXCC Database

Post by VE3QN »


Thank you for this. I did manage to delete the duplicate entry for Falkland Island and the erroneous 14 Mhz entry for A35RK and my DXCC totals are correct.
I did, however, find the delete QSO function a little fickle. The first time I tried it, it not only deleted the QSO but also deleted Antartica from the DXCC database. Better luck with the Falklands (where only the erroneous QSO went) but I still have Antartica missing from my "All DXCC" list (shows 333 rather than 334). I don't have Antartica worked so it doesn't matter for now but how would I restore Antartica to the DXCC database?
Thanks in advance.
Bryan VE3QN
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Fixing Errors in DXCC Database

Post by G0CUZ »

Hello again Bryan

To add a DXCCC Country follow this procedure.

Open the DXCC Database

Press the toolbar button: EDIT COUNTRIES (4th button9

Scroll down the (red) country list to the bottom.

You will see a blank line.

Add the DXCC Country thus;

COUNTRY: Antarctica
CODE: 13

Now click on any other Country in the list to update the database.

73 Colin G0CUZ
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Fixing Errors in DXCC Database

Post by VE3QN »

Hello (again) Colin,

Thank you for your patience.

It worked perfectly - even correcting my spelling of Antarctica - and I have learned something in the process.


Bryan VE3QN
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Fixing Errors in DXCC Database

Post by WA5KGW »

Dear Colin and Bryan - by now, Bryan's posting is "old news," but I had the very same experience with correcting the country for VQ9C (which is Turks & Caicos, but the program initially assigned Uganda).

Anyway, regarding the "finicky" nature of deleting the remnant, incorrect QSO from the DXCC data base, I found the following: Initially following the steps for deleting a QSO from the DXCC database, I clicked on the leftmost QSO column (with the arrow in it) and, as Bryan found, the delete key resulted in deleting the country name in the DXCC list, not the QSO. However, I re-entered "Uganda" in that field of the DXCC list, and then opted to "Cancel" my "change," returning me to where I started. Then, instead of clicking on the leftmost column of the errant QSO, I clicked on the next column (i.e., within the QSO details), and then using the delete key correctly resulted in deleting the QSO. Whew!!


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Fixing Errors in DXCC Database

Post by WA5KGW »

Dear Colin and Bryan - OK, I had to do it again for CT8T (Portugal, not Azores), and now I have the complete picture: to delete the incorrect QSO from the DXCC database, one must do exactly what Colin's steps describe PLUS what I described - - i.e., (1) click on the leftmost column of the QSO to first highlight the QSO, then (2) click on the next field in the QSO (which still retains the highlighting on the QSO) before striking the delete key. At least on my PC, both of these steps maust be followed before using the delete key.

Thank you both for helping with my problem, and I hope this clears up the "finicky" nature of the database.

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