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Error 3159

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:14 pm
I have this error report 3159 that closes my log. This report happens only now and then. I have been a WINLOG 32 user from the very beginning and do not upgrade my log with the new versions.
I save the log folder from the older version, and do a complete new installation everytime a new version is published. The log folder is then simply copied and pasted into the directory of WINLOG 32.

When this error 3159 appears i cannot use the log. The log closes as soon as a new QSO is entered. To overcome this problem, i have created a second database. I enter a QSO in this second database and export this QSO to my ZS4JAN database. This works fine for an ungiven time till the next error 3159 hits me.

I did check the error log report and this is what it reported:

15/06/08 17:12 LOGFORM-Sub-Superspeed 3159 Not a valid bookmark

There is various error reports of this type. Doing a history check in my logbook for the dates and times reported, I founded that the SUPERSPEED function was selected at the time when i was a net controller for our club bullitins.

Is there any suggestions to correct this problem. I have currently 13 000 Entries in my log. The problem must be in the History log because after doing a complete new installation the problem occurs as soon as the history log is loaded.

I do not make use of e-qsl uploads, so i am not sure what else is responsible for a error 3159 code.


Error 3159

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:14 pm
by G4ZNK
Hi Jan

Just been reading about your problem which is apparently a registry problem with a Microsoft fix.

I typed in WINDOWS ERROR 3159 into the Google websearch and it comes up with a website that shows you how to cure it.

Hope the cure works for you.


Roy (G4ZNK)

Error 3159

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:14 pm
Hello Roy

Thanks for the reply. I did download the regcure program and repaired the faulty windows registries. I will check in the next week as i use WINLOG 32 and see if the problem is cured.
I will keep you all updated. Thank you


Error 3159

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:14 pm
The error 3159 is still active. The regcure program did not solve my problem. I think the problem lies in the ZS4JAN database.
I have created other users in the same WINLOG 32 program for my other callsigns. The ZS4JAN database has 13000 entries and only this log has a problem. The other logs are used during contests and has no problem.
This error 3159 only pops up on the computer when ZS4JAN.LOG is active. It has never appeared with any other software programs on my computer.

Today i made a copy of my complete logbook. I made use of the maintanance tool in WINLOG 32 to try and repair the possible corrupted ZS4JAN database. This log did not want to open again.
The saved copy was pasted back and the log is active again.

Is there any other ideas to help me solve this problem ?


Error 3159

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:14 pm
by G0CUZ
Hi Jan

I only just caught up with your thread on this subject.

It does sound like a corrupt database of some sort, would you like to zip and send me your log so that I can check it out?

I have not heard of a situation of an already working log database that does not work after a 'repair' has been performed.

The other option would be to export your entire log via ADIF and re-import it into another new log database and see if this error is cured.

73 Colin G0CUZ
Winlog32 Author

Error 3159

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:14 pm
Hello Colin

Thank you for the offer. I am going to try your suggestion with the ADIF export. I have just exported 13064 QSO's from the ZS4JAN database to my CONTEST database within WINLOG 32.

I will use the CONTEST database for the next week to check on the error 3159, and will keep you all posted.

By the way Colin; previously when running a club contest from my CONTEST database and doing a ADIF import to the ZS4JAN database, resulted in lost information. Normally i will lose about 20 contacts out of 100 made. The lost contacts is then imported one by one into the ZS4JAN database.

This only happens to the ZS4JAN database which i think is corrupted. The other databases is working as advertized.

Thanks again and i will keep you posted.


Error 3159

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:14 pm
Hello Colin

So far so good. No error 3159 in the contest database. The import QSO total was 13064. The total now is standing at 13168 with no problems. I've deleted the ZS4JAN database completely. A new ZS4JAN database was created and the 13168 QSO's imported.

I will check what happens in the next few weeks and keep you all posted. Currently i am smiling from ear to ear.


Error 3159

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:14 pm
Hello Colin

The current QSO's in my log is 13464 and no error 3159 since i,ve created a new ZS4JAN database. Even the ADIF imports is done without any lost QSO's as in the past.
Thanx a million and still a very happy WINLOG 32 user.


Error 3159

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:14 pm
by G0CUZ
Good to hear that Jan.

Back-ups are extremely important, especially for the log database, it could happen any time, a power surge, power cut, lock-up if this happens when the Log is in use - expect the worse.

73 Colin G0CUZ
Winlog32 Author