Am I Backing Up (Everything)?

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Am I Backing Up (Everything)?

Post by VE3QN »

I have followed G0CUZ's suggestion - following my earlier query - and added a log called "VE3RBE" into which I am entering my DX contacts made under my former call - VE3RBE. And, as he said it would, the DXCC and QSL statistics are integrated over both the VE3RBE and VE3QN calls which is exactly what I wanted.

Now what I have are two log files. One appears under the name "LOG" and this is where VE3QN contacts are archived and where new contacts are being entered. The other log appears as "VE3RBE" and this is where the past contacts under that call have been entered. My database has the name VE3QN.LOG.

I'm a bit apprehensive, however, about the backup function. When I backup WinLog32 to a floppy disk three files get written: VE3QN.log, VE3QN_LOG.slf, and Winlog.ini.

Only VE3QN.log and Winlog.ini are current, i.e., show a file date the same as the session I'm closing.

VE3QN.log presumably contains my log data; however, it has not grown significantly in size while I have added dozens of contacts under the VE3RBE log. When I was adding old contacts in building the historical record for VE3QN it grew rapidly as I added contacts. Is it possible the VE3RBE data is not in VE3QN.log and - if not - where is it?

Also, what happens to a files such as dxcc.mdb and qsl.mdb in a backup and recovery? These files presumably change as data is input yet they're not backed up (not, at least, on my backup).

Anyway, what I would like is some reassurance that my setup is OK and my backups would actually recover my data in the event of a failure or, e.g., should I move WinLog32 to another computer.

Thanks in advance.

Bryan VE3QN
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Am I Backing Up (Everything)?

Post by G0CUZ »

Hello Bryan

Regarding your question about back-up of your Log, yes BOTH of your LOGS will be contained in the log database and that is the file that is backed-up rest assured.

Winlog.ini contains all user optional settings etc.

The SLF file contains your station location.

The sub-set of ancillary databases are NOT backed up by the back-up routines and these should be backed up manualy id required - they would be in the Winlog32\LOGS\xxx folder where "xxx" will be the name of your Log database.

A new set of ancillary databases could be re-built in a new installation using the Log Check Robot, however if you have entered data manually in any of these that is NOT in the log then it may be a good idfea to back-up these too.
Other files 'NOTEPAD.MDB' file (in "Winlog32\LOGS" folder) and "Prefix.MDB" and Cluster.Mdb (in Winlog32\DATA folder) could also be backed up manualy for completeness.

The most effective way, is to copy the complete Winlog32 folder and sub-folders onto a writable or re-writable CD or a second or networked H/Drive, this is what I tend to do.

The only criticle file you MUST preserve is the Log Database, and suggest that you keep several back-ups on different media, remember that there is not much point in backing up onto the same media that holds your working database.

73 Colin G0CUZ
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Am I Backing Up (Everything)?

Post by VE3QN »


Thank you again for your usual prompt and complete reply.

I will do as you are suggesting.

I continue to be most impressed with WinLog32.

73 and Best Regards,


Hello Bryan

Regarding your question about back-up of your Log, yes BOTH of your LOGS will be contained in the log database and that is the file that is backed-up rest assured.
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