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Changing Users

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 1:21 pm
by VE3QN
I have entered my DX contacts under my current call VE3QN.

I would now like to enter my DX contacts under my previous call VE3RBE - same station, same location.

What's the best way to do this such that my DXCC statistics are "integrated", i.e., a country worked under both calls counts for DXCC only once, etc.?

Bryan VE3QN

Changing Users

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 1:21 pm
by G0CUZ
Hi Bryan

You can make more than one LOG in any Log database, so you can make another LOG for the other Callsign such LOGs will SHARE the same ancillary database set e.g. DXCC etc.

Only drawback with this is that the LOGs are independent for searches etc, so there is no cross searches between LOGs.

If you make a seperate Log DATABASE for the other Callsign then it will have a separate ancillary database set and DXCC etc will be scored separate too.

The only other alternative is to include all QSO's in one LOG which will do the cross searches but it would be more difficult to separate the Log and there would not be any indication of which callsign was used (other than date), this could be more of a problem on exporting or using LoTW, so my recommendation would be to use two LOGs in your existing Log database.

Hope this helps you to make up your mind which will suit your purpose better.

73 Colin G0CUZ
Winlog32 Author

Changing Users

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 1:21 pm
by VE3QN
Thanks Colin,

I have found having two logs in the one database to be the most useful and the fact that I can't search over both is not a problem.

Thanks for your prompt reply to my query.

Best Regards,

Bryan VE3QN

Hi Bryan

You can make more than one LOG in any Log database, so you can make another LOG for the other Callsign such LOGs will SHARE the same ancillary database set e.g. DXCC etc.

Only drawback with this is that the LOGs are independent for searches etc, so there is no cross searches between LOGs.

If you make a seperate Log DATABASE for the other Callsign then it will have a separate ancillary database set and DXCC etc will be scored separate too.

The only other alternative is to include all QSO's in one LOG which will do the cross searches but it would be more difficult to separate the Log and there would not be any indication of which callsign was used (other than date), this could be more of a problem on exporting or using LoTW, so my recommendation would be to use two LOGs in your existing Log database.

Hope this helps you to make up your mind which will suit your purpose better.

73 Colin G0CUZ
Winlog32 Author