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auto update/database t/fer

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 12:49 am
by g0fyd
Auto update is not working on mine.

logcheck robot picks up new dxcc locator etc but no auto update on entry.

I have auto check ticked on all that i require.

Also no dxcc distance data is appearing on the main page wen log entry is selected.

Have i forgotten to do some basics as I have recently installed 2.4 on new computer.

Can someone advise me of the best way to transfer all data as i have added some personal data which would read incorrect if i imported log then updated using logcheck robot.

I would like all the datatbases to read the same as previously without amending individually.Can you just drop in certain files.
I have done this in the past but with difficulty

Thanks for a great log programme (the best)


Ian McCabe

auto update/database t/fer

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 12:49 am
by DL4KG
Hi Ian,

for your databases I suggest to copy them to a CD (and also the INI file) and after the installtion of the new version (I understood on a new computer) you can copy all databases into the related folders which were created during the programm installation. If you keep the INI file your new setup should work as the one on the old computer. I will do the same next week and it will hopefully work this way.
I have no idea why the auto update does not work. Have you checked the "auto" function in the log check robot?
The missing distance notification may be based on the settings in the options menue. Did you put your personal information into the options menue? If yes, that information will appear in the blue top line of the main screen. If you donĀ“t see your callsign and locator you must fill the user details in the options/settings/change user folder.

73 de Gerald - DL4KG

Edited by - dl4kg on 29/12/2003 7:41:52 PM

Edited by - dl4kg on 29/12/2003 7:47:22 PM

auto update/database t/fer

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 12:49 am
by g0fyd

Thanks very much for the information on transferring the database.
I thought that was the case so will give it a try later copying the DB files and the INI.
Not sure what the problem is with autocheck. Not had this problem since the early days.
You had me thinking for a minute on personal information but it was all inputted ok.
Still think it might be staring me in the face.

Thanks for the advice.
Running AMD 1.7 athlon processor.Windows XP

Regards Ian

Ian McCabe

auto update/database t/fer

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 12:49 am
by g0fyd
The only way i can get the data to appear dxcc distance on the main screen is to do manual search in the prefix field.


Ian McCabe

auto update/database t/fer

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 12:49 am
by G0CUZ
Ian - check that you have menu/database/Prefix - 'Auto-check' enabled, this seems the most likely explanation for missing Country Data, please also realise that in v2.3 onwards you MUST use the ENTER key to fire the Log functions, the TAB key now has ONLY navigational use.
See the "Changes.txt" file installed with the latest version.

As Gerald says, you can preserve all your previous data by copying the relative "\LOGs\+sub folder(s)" complete across to the new installation.
Shut down Winlog32 on both systems before making any such changes.

73 Colin G0CUZ
Winlog32 Author

auto update/database t/fer

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 12:49 am
by g0fyd

Thanks for the info on the databases.

Yes I have prefix switched on.

The only way I can get info into main page is when I do a search for locator or prefix and it fires up ok.
Ill keep having a play around but no luck so far on the auto check.

Regards Ian G0FYD

Ian McCabe

auto update/database t/fer

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 12:49 am
by g0fyd

Thanks for the info on the databases.

Yes I have prefix switched on.

The only way I can get info into main page is when I do a search for locator or prefix and it fires up ok.
Ill keep having a play around but no luck so far on the auto check.

Regards Ian G0FYD

Ian McCabe

auto update/database t/fer

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 12:49 am
by g0fyd

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since 2.3 you must use the enter key.(woops still using tab says mr redface)
Oh now i see it all appear after i press enter.
I didnt have 2.3 (well thats my excuse.)
Ok now I am going to crawl back into my hole.
Thanks for the help gents...all is FB here.

Regards Ian

Ian McCabe

auto update/database t/fer

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 12:49 am
by G0CUZ
Glad that you figured it Ian.

No need for a red face as it has caught quite a few out judging by the emails I have received with this particular problem.

I do include a 'changes.txt' file with all recent versions, and I do recommend users read it , I try to announce as much as possible regarding the major changes, including on the news page.

73 Colin G0CUZ
Winlog32 Author