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Bug with Forum Software

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 6:45 pm
by rhw2
Hi Colin.

Last night, when I tried to access this forum, I was consistantly getting the response "DB Access Channel Overflow: Too many simoultaneous DB accesses" as the response. I presume this is a bug in the software used to host these forums, but have been unable to locate anywhere to report suchlike bugs to. Since you presumably have access to suchlike details, could you pass this on to the relevant people?

Also, is there a bandwidth problem with the hosting system? I'm on a broadband connection here, and it is definitely noticeable how much slower this particular site is then the other sites I access, including your software pages.

Best wishes from Riley G7GOD / KB8PPG

Bug with Forum Software

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 6:45 pm
by G0CUZ
Hi Riley

The Winlog Forum is my own ASP code and the ASP host severs at 'Brinkster' do get bogged down, you will have to put up with this as the ASP host is FOC, and ALL my ASP pages for Winlog including the Forum, Prefix Database Search and Log Search and other unrelated ASP pages I have there (together with many other peoples I guess).
Despite the erratic nature of the Brinkster servers, I have been with them around three years without any grief whatsoever, and I do NOT have to put up with annoying advertising banners, for this I am VERY grateful.

Because of the nature of ASP it is always likely that the server will get bogged down, or crash out, but it is usually only temporary.

73 Colin G0CUZ
Winlog32 Author

Bug with Forum Software

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 6:45 pm
by rhw2
Hi Colin.

quote:The Winlog Forum is my own ASP code and the ASP host severs at 'Brinkster' do get bogged down, you will have to put up with this as the ASP host is FOC, and ALL my ASP pages for Winlog including the Forum, Prefix Database Search and Log Search and other unrelated ASP pages I have there (together with many other peoples I guess).

I have to admit that I hadn't realised that, and had presumed that the "Forum Code" was there simply because brinkster provided it as a standard service, similar to YahooGroups forums. My apologies.

BTW: Were you aware of how finickey the Forum Code is? One typo anywhere in the code tends to cause random forum code after that typo to be ignored.

Best wishes from Riley G7GOD / KB8PPG