You may post here if you are having problems with Winlog32 that others may be able to help you with. You may also report bugs so that the author may act upon them.
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Post by AE7PS »

My laptop HD crashed a few weeks ago. I bought a new computer and loaded Winlog32 and WJSTX on it. Luckily I had backed up all my contacts to a USB drive. But I found that although the manual admonishes you to back up your contacts, I couldn't find where it says how to reload them! The import function apparently doesn't work on the backup files. If I am right, this would be a nice feature to add to the program as I spent hours trying to figure this out. Finally I found on the forum that you have to copy your backup files (in Explorer) and paste the in to the program LOG folder. When I did this my logs finally showed up on the GUI.

However, now I can't get the Log DXCC function to work. it displays no worked files at all. Can anyone tell me how to get this working again? Also I just got my LoTW account and was getting ready to use it when my computer crashed. I hope this feature still works.

Although this is not a WJSTX forum, if your HD crashes like mine, you will lose your WJStX log files too. The program doesn't have any warnings to back them up like Winlog 32 and doesn't apparently provide a feature to easily accomplish this. I was using this feature to identify "worked before" programs and now I am not sure what to do. I had worked 92 countries...

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Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Carl

Sorry to hear of your struggles!

There is online help for most winlog2 related topics =click on an option and F1 key usually will bring up the help pages, or get to them from Winlog32 web site.

I usually recommend copy/paste option to restore a Log database file, although there is a facility in Winlog32 under menu item 'Maintenance/File Maintenance 'Get Log Database' which more or less does a copy/paste anyway.

Regarding DXCC database, there are options to back up these ancillary files, although it is best to reset the DXCC database once in a while.
Use the Log Check Robot menu/tools, enable DXCC and 'Auto' options, this will cycle through your log and update the DXCC database, this does take a while so do it in the background when you are doing something else!

73 Colin, G0CUZ
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Post by AE7PS »

Thanks Colin,

I did follow your instructions to update the DXCC database and it seemed to work as you described. However when I go to Reports/ Log DXCC report/Worked entries, the table placeholder appears but there are no contacts listed. Was your idea intended to fix this problem? if so, it still exists...

Carl, AE7PS
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Post by G0CUZ »


If you mean the Log DXCC BAND report window, this opens with no data, you need to click the first toolbar button to generate the report.

If this is still not giving a report then it looks like there is no DXCC entity codes in your Log, these shouldn't disappear though.

Check the CODE field in the log, if they are all zero, then this is the problem.

To see the entity codes, it's the 2nd last field in the Log Page, if it is not visible you can drag out the last column to show.

If this is so then it can be fixed but I am curious on how they disappeared if they were there before?

If all codes are zero - the Log Check Robot will cure this as it will go through the log and add the entity codes, do this by UNCHECKING ALL OPTIONS in the LCR and enable the auto option.

Oh, I should add that you will still need to update the DXCC database but that is not used for Log DXCC report - Log DXCC Report takes data directly from the Log, not from the DXCC database, but if the DXCC database does not contain data, you will have to update that as described in last post, as this is used for DXCC checking e.g. for DXCluster alerts etc.

73 Colin, G0CUZ
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Post by AE7PS »

Thanks Colin,
The Log DXCC BAND REPORT opens with no data but the report is generated when the first toolbar button is clicked. it looks accurate.

However most of the other functions in the Reports don't work:

Charts: works
BANDMAP: all pink lines
WAZ BAND REPORT: blank. #1 toolbar doesn't work

I am attaching my backup FT8.Log file that I have inserted in the program directory. See anything wrong with it?
Because the forum program wont attach .LOG file extensions, I had to change the file extension to .jpg. Just change it back to .Log when you use it. i'm not sure this worked though.
Carl AE7PS
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Post by G0CUZ »

Hello again Carl

Sorry, I didn't get attachment, don't think Forum will allow it...

You can contact me direct via email if you wish

Just to say, consider that some reports are generated out of the actual Log, and some data is collected from the various ancillary databases, e.g. DXCC, WAZ etc.

Check this by opening those databases, menu/Database/DXCC - View if there are no QSO in those databases then you need to run the Log Check Robot through your Log to collect the data thus updating these as mentioned before.

FIRST check that you have enabled the required databases menu/Database - Prefix database enable (essential), DXCC -autocheck enable etc.

Open Log Check Robot window, and enable which databases you wish to update, then click on start, it will cycle through your log, it will take time, make sure that you use the 'auto' option, you should see the little led blink when a database is updated. You can Stop/Start this process anytime and check if QSO's are being added to the (say DXCC) database but you will need to close/re-open same database to refresh.

If still no joy contact me direct by email and add some screen shots which you feel will be helpful, it's probably something quite simple.

73 Colin, G0CUZ
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Post by AE7PS »

Hi Colin,
Most of the things you suggested didn't work because so many field choices were grayed out in the database menu. Then I did something that may give you a another clue. I uninstalled winlog32 and reinstalled it. To my surprise the old logs must have been stored somewhere else on my computer and when the reinstalled winlog32 booted up we the old logs installed in it somehow!

Then I contacted a fellow ham who is also using winlog32 and had him send me every file in his Log folder. Then I substituted all his files in my Log folder. Voila, everything works normally now. I can see all of the databases and his logbook. So something in my log files is the problem. Troubleshooting further, his Log files look like:

FOLDER: KE9GA file folder
KE9GA.LOG text document
Notepad.mdb Microsoft access

Where FOLDER: KE9GA contains 9 MDB FILES including DXCC. But my LOG folder looks like:

AE7PS.LOG text document
FT8LOG.LOG text document
Notepad.mdb Microsoft access

So in my Log folder there is no file folder named AE7PS with 9 MDB FILES including DXCC! So that must be the problem except how do i fix it??

Carl AE7PS
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Post by G0CUZ »

Ah ha.

Now I understand.....

There is no ancillary database set.

To fix that, menu/file/Maintenance/File Maintenance button - 'Create New Ancillary Set'

This will create a new set of blank databases e.g. DXCC etc and all will be well, the Database list will no longer be greyed out and you will be able to open them.

Then you will have to populate these databases as instructed in my previous post.

Then I am sure that all will be well.

73 Colin, G0CUZ
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Post by AE7PS »

Hi again,

I have 2 logs, one for FT8 and one for SSB. I loaded the FT8 log first and your procedure worked except the "user" field is still greyed out. I don't know if that's important. It also wont display the country in the user field even though the box is checked in menu/options/autoadd settings and menu/database/Prefix/Auto-display. Can that be fixed?

Also my other SSB file will still will not update at all like before. The databases are most greyed out. Any ideas?

Best Carl
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Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Carl

I think it will be best to contact ne directly via email with some screen shots of the problem, so that I get a better understanding of what is wrong.
And may be some files, as something not normal is going on with your installation.

Otherwise we will spend many days exchanging posts here, hi.

You can get my email address here on the Forum and it could be on QRZ etc.

73 Colin, G0CUZ
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