Download Mirror site

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Download Mirror site

Post by G0CUZ »

From Monday 23rd September 2002, the essential Winlog32 zip files can now be downloaded from a mirror site.

From time to time I have had reports of slow downloads directly from the Winlog site, there may be a number of reasons for this but mostly likely because at peak times there may be heavy trafic on the server. The server is not dedicated to FTP, so you have to take your chances, but in any case you should download ONE file at a time.

I do check the downloads frequently, but certainly not every day! As a matter off interest I normally find that with a 56k modem + compression on a home Proxy server and cable ISP, 5Kb/Sec is acheived at most attempts at downloading one of the zips, this is about the maximum likely for our system with this file type.

The good news is that through the generosity of a fellow ham, we have a second site now to download Winlog files, the download is still not a dedicated ftp server but at least it is another real option and I do have direct control over the files, the mirror files are available from the Winlog download pages, or in the event of the winlog site going offline it may be accessed directly:

Of course always use a download manager as both sites support resumed downloading.

The winlog site does seem to be throwing a 'wobbly' at the moment, I am not sure what the problem is, so it may be worth you making a note of the above address in case it is needed in the future.

73 Colin G0CUZ
Winlog32 Author
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