problem upgrade 7.3.50

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problem upgrade 7.3.50

Post by iw9hrz »

Hi, I'm Paolo IW9HRZ, I have a problem, I can't update to version 7.3.50, I'm currently on version 7.3.49.

I downloaded the file, I copied/pasted the two files (wl32 and DXCC) replacing the old ones.

Once this is done the program doesn't start, what am I doing wrong?
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Re: problem upgrade 7.3.50

Post by F4GVO »

Ciao Paolo,

thanks to your message, I noticed that they were an update availalbe.
I personnaly downloaded the ZIP file from Winlog32 website, replace WL32.exe by the new one and copy and replace in TPL folder the two files DXCC.tpl and PrefixData.tpl. Of course I made a copy of WL32.exe before.
Anyway, on my Windows 10 x64 bits, I have no problem to run the new version, made a contact using FT4 and logged has been done perfectly as expected.

I may suggest you backup tour Winlog.INI file to a safe place and delete it. Then try to launch Winlog.
If it works, close it again and replace the new created WINLOG.INI by yours you saved before and try to start again Winlog32.

Then if Winlog32 doesn't start, something 'corrupted' happened in your WINLOG32.IN. You should delete it again and start Winlog32 again and configure again, with comparing your old one. So far I don't have better idea but sure, Colin will have.

73 de Thierry, F4GVO
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Re: problem upgrade 7.3.50

Post by iw9hrz »

Hi Thierry, thanks for reply

I tried as you say to delete the .ini file and replace the WL32 file with the new version, but it doesn't work anyway, now I have restored the old file .ini and the old version 7.3.49 and everything works again.

I have a PC with Windows 11, could it be a problem related to Win.11?

Paolo IW9HRZ
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Re: problem upgrade 7.3.50

Post by G0CUZ »

hi Paolo

The manual updates are to avoid some (but may be not all) of the security issues I am having with an installation package in recent times.

It may be that the A/V is blocking or deleting file 'wl32.exe' - the main executable, you probably noticed windows smart screen warning when you downloaded the zip file.
Can you explain what actually happens when you try to run Winlog32 after you have copied the new file over??
Is there any warning or other message issued by Windows?

73 Colin
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Re: problem upgrade 7.3.50

Post by iw9hrz »

Hi Colin, thanks for the reply, I use Google Chrome, but I have also used Mozilla and Edge, when I download the file the system warns me that it could be a dangerous file but obviously I give the OK to download it anyway, in the past it always worked.

Now I tried to download the file with different browsers and I gave consent even though the system recognized it as "dangerous".

When I go to replace the "old" WL32.exe file with the "updated" one and then start the software, nothing happens, it doesn't start.

I use Windows 11, it's as if the file was damaged.

Paolo IW9HRZ
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Re: problem upgrade 7.3.50

Post by F4GVO »


I don't use Windows 11 but it seems for me that Windows Defender is blocking WL32.exe to start.
Maybe you can try to turn off Windows Defender, at least to try if the problem come from that.

Here is the way to do that from Microsoft knowledge:
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Re: problem upgrade 7.3.50

Post by SV1GRB »

Hello Colin, Paolo and Thierry

I just tried on a test WIN11 PC and the minor update 7.3.50 (copy and paste the files in the appropriate directories) was successful.
This is not my main PC, so it is not tested intensively, but Winlog32 is launching without problem.
No third party antivirus installed, just windows defender. There was a warning on the first run, I selected "more info" and then the "run anyway" button appeared. By selecting to run anyway everything is OK.
This warning popped up only on first run.

Last edited by SV1GRB on Wed Apr 03, 2024 4:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: problem upgrade 7.3.50

Post by G0CUZ »

Hello again Paolo

Wonder if you made progress?

Just to confirm that you have tried double-clicking the file "wl32.exe" from the actual \Winlog32 folder rather than use a short-cut, you may have already tried this.
Also have you tried deleting the existing zip download and downloading again the same file?

I am sure the file is OK, other than yourself, I have not had any further notifications about build 50 in this respect, between 49 and 50 there were no fundamental changes that could contribute to this.

Other that the above, I can only assume that security is blocking the file, but usually there are warnings when this happens.

If definitely no-go, then you could stick with build 49, the changes made in '50' are not significant.

73 Colin
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Re: problem upgrade 7.3.50

Post by iw9hrz »

Hi everyone, I've finally solved it, the problem is the Microsoft 11 software called "Microsoft Defender SmartScreen" which blocks the .exe file as the digital signature of the software is not recognised.
I had to disable the SmartScreen option and download the winlong32 file again, now it works.
Thanks, Paolo IW9HRZ
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