Prefix tag

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Prefix tag

Post by 9A4ZM »

Hi there,

I am working on digital modes using combo WSJT-X + JTAlertX, logging with Winlog32.
JTAlertX has the possibility to alert on new prefix, for that it logs worked prefix in it's log in form <PFX:2>G5 for let's say worked station G5RV. But it does that only for new logged contacts, and I have many records in my old Winlog32 log before digital age. There is no PFX tag in Winlog32 log, so when I export those records to JTAlertX log, there is no PFX info for old records.
Is there any Windows application, or on-line web page utility, which can scan my old Winlog32 log, and add PFX tag to exported log ?
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Re: Prefix tag

Post by G0CUZ »

Thanks for your enquiry.

I have not heard of any utility that can scan a log and generate a prefix tag, there are some ADIF conversion/checkers available, but have no experience of using them and whether they can do what you are asking.

There is no inbuilt capability in Winlog32 to generate a prefix tag, and there is no facility to deal with WPX awards.

Sorry I can not help further, but if you do manage to do this please post here your experience.

73 Colin , G0CUZ
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Re: Prefix tag

Post by 9A4ZM »

Thanks for your answer. Yes, I am aware, that Winlog32 does not have inbuilt prefix tag.
Interesting is, how then JTAlertX generates prefix tag and logs it.
That's why I have asked the question, perhaps anyone else on forum has any idea how to solve the problem.

73 de Maki
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