UDP ports

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UDP ports

Post by G0BLB »

Hi Colin,
With my Flex Radio on slice A I use the UDP port 2237 WSJT-X interface for logging that is set in the log it works great.
But I have 4 slices and if i go to slice B on FT8 sat 20m I can only apply port 2237 but winlog 32 will not except because slice A is aready set up on FT8 on say 15m and the other 2 slices on FT8 but different bands I should say all are running at same time.
So I am asking is it possable to have 4or moor udp ports in set up so as when I load to log there is no conflict I can apply the ports to the WSJT-X software and Fldigi.
Hope don’t mind me asking.
Kind Regards
Rich G0BLB
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Re: UDP ports

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Richard

Thanks for the suggestion.

I will look into the possibility of multiple ports, no small ask but I'll see how it can fit into the existing framework.

I am not familiar with 'slices' or SDR radios, but guess this is related to simultaneous operating on different bands?

Does this also mean you will have multiple instances of WSJT/JT-Alert running?

73 Colin
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Re: UDP ports

Post by G0BLB »

Hi Colin
Yes I have at this time 4 slices with 4 lots of wsjt-x soft ware running on 3 screens and one computer, with only one slice fixed to winlog32 by udp.
when you see the udp box in the log 4 fixed ones would be great SDR is getting very popular you can also do ritty through fldigi software.
thanks again Colin
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Re: UDP ports

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Richard

Thanks for explanation, have had a cursory look at this a few days ago, I see a few problems but maybe do-able, but first I need to understand how you use JT-Alert (if you do) with multiple instances of WSJT-X?

If running JT-Alert connected to WSJT-X, it should produce a 'log file' which Winlog32 can pick up (not via UDP), if multiple JT-Alert or even single JT-Alert connected to multiple WSJT UDP addresses, should JT still produce a log file in each instance?

Just wondering if there is an alternative, WSJT-X is continually sending loads of data through UDP and running several ports increases the processing which is already considerable.

Be interested in your thoughts/findings before looking more deeply into enabling several UDP in Winlog32.

73 Colin
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Re: UDP ports

Post by G0BLB »

Hi Colin
I only use WSJT-X v1.8.0-rc2. I have four of them running I do not use JT-Alert .
\Nothing goes to Winlog until I send from the software which at the moment is slice A B C and D I Have to add manually
If it is causing to many problems we can leave well alone this for Flex Radios only I think unless some of the other rigs have this facility.
Thanks Colin
Richard G0BLB
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Post by G0CUZ »

OK Richard

Next session, I'll have a close look at this and will do some experiments with multi-port UDP and see how it works in practice.

My concerns were with UDP... as this is a 'listening' port -e.g. WSJT sends load and loads of data that I don't need and have no control, so it is not just about logging, the UDP sends ALL that is happening in WSJT-X in real time, thus a lot of data to look at to find the required QSO data which is obviously only sent when you log a QSO.

Will be in touch via email when I have something for you to test.

73 Colin
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Re: UDP ports

Post by G0BLB »

Hi Colin
Thank you for taking a look into fixed UDP but it my be better to leave until more stations use smart SDR.
I do not understand the fine arts of programing Colin I will leave it in your good hands again thank you for taking a look.
Richard G0BLB
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Re: UDP ports

Post by G0CUZ »

I've worked with G0BLB on this and next version will have the multi UDP port possibilities for multiple instances of WSJT-X.

73 Colin, G0CUZ
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