HRDLog Upload

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HRDLog Upload

Post by g0lgj »

Hi not sure if a problem or not ?
I have a seperate mobile log.
Upload to Clublog and LOTW no problems as the TSQL I can select /M along with clublog I can select /M callsign.
I must have done this as my log shows /M but when upload a manual adif file they are all showing as G0LGJ
I have the station info set as G0LGJ/M
if I look at the adif the CALL is G0LGJ/M

what am I missing ?

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Re: HRDLog Upload

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Mark

Not sure of the problem at this time as I am not too familiar with HRDLOG - I don't use it myself, I do have an HRD account which I use mostly for testing. I am not sure how HRD handles multiple Logs.
Is it the same for single QSO (real-time) upload?
Perhaps you can contact me direct about this and I'll look into it?

73 Colin
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