HRDLOG realtime upload

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HRDLOG realtime upload

Post by g3wzt »

Can't quite make out why there is a difference in what is shown on HRDLOG depending on upload method.
If I upload multiple QSO's from WL32 to HRDLOG using WL32 export> log> ADIF-Full, all log information is displayed in HRDLOG.
However, if I upload from WL32 using the realtime upload feature, the log is displayed differently in HRD.
The "comment" column in HRD is now empty and does not display the country as it does when using ADIF-full upload.
Also, the column in HRDLOG does not show the full report when including an EME report. i.e RO-18 or O-20 etc.
The HRDLOG window in my QRZ page shows this up quite well.
Sorry to ask such an odd and rather esoteric question. Hope someone can explain or provide a fix.
John G3WZT
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Re: HRDLOG realtime upload

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi John

I am not using HRDLOG myself, but would guess that the real-time upload ADIF only contains basic information and not the extended FULL ADIF data, this is same as it does with other real-time uploads,
The reason for this is that not all online repositories have capacity for the additional information and it cuts down on the overheads during real-time uploading.
Strange that the reports are not being added, as this is part of the 'essential' data, are normal non EME reports being added?

I'll be looking into it in due course.

73 Colin, G0CUZ
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Re: HRDLOG realtime upload

Post by g3wzt »

Hi Colin

Many thanks for the reply. It's not a game changer but more of a not too important curiosity! :?
For example, real time uploads for EME report that includes O or RO plus signal level (i.e. RO-18) show up incomplete in the HRDLOG report column with the last digit missing. (see log1.jpg). Also the country name in the comment column is empty.

When uploaded in bulk as ADIF-full; the complete report is shown (i.e. RO-18, O17) and the country name is listed in the comments column. See log2.jpg
Thanks for yout input. Not too important just a small niggle.
John G3WZT
Report is complete and comment column completed.
Report is complete and comment column completed.
log2.jpg (166.23 KiB) Viewed 5313 times
Incomplete report and comments empty.
Incomplete report and comments empty.
log1.jpg (130.27 KiB) Viewed 5313 times
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Re: HRDLOG realtime upload

Post by G0CUZ »

Thanks for that John, that's useful.

Not so surprised about comments missing, sort of expected, however that's strange behaviour with Reports!

I'll get to the bottom of it shortly and 'report' back to you....

73 Colin
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Re: HRDLOG realtime upload

Post by G0CUZ »

Hey John

Fixed the problem with reports being truncated for HRDLOG, also added comments to upload for same, not tested it in real-time but should be OK now.

If you contact me direct, I will send you details of a beta test file, unless you would prefer to wait for next public release but ATM not sure when that will be.

73 Colin
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Re: HRDLOG realtime upload

Post by g3wzt »

Hi Colin
Many thanks for that, very much appreciate your input.
A copy of the beta file would be nice and I can then give you feedback on the results with HRDLOG.
Regards and 73
g3wzt at
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Re: HRDLOG realtime upload

Post by G0CUZ »

OK John - just dropped you an email with details
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