Search Callsign

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Search Callsign

Post by G0BLB »

Hi Colin,
I hope all is well with you,
Colin is it posable to give a little more time on entering the call to search the log,
I get part way through the call then I have to go back and fine the rest of the call
then when I put it in the say a W get hundreds W calls come up when
really wonted VK-WA for example.
Getting older now Colin not so fast hope I explained ok still using your log32 every day GREAT
Kind Regards,
Richard G0BLB
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Re: Search Callsign

Post by F4GVO »

Hi Richard,
Not sure it will fit you request.
You may use SEARCH > SEARCH - LOG and in the opened window, you may try SQL request.
Something like this one:

SELECT * FROM LOG WHERE Callsign LIKE 'V[K][0-9]*' OR Callsign LIKE 'W[A][0-9]*' ORDER BY Callsign ASC

it will display all VK( VK0, VK1, VK2, etc) and all WA (WA0, WA1, WA2, etc..) from your log, sorted alphanumerically.

I know SQL is complex and I am NOT an expert, just try for a moments, built my own requests, thanks to some exchanges with Colin I had a few years ago.

73 de Thierry, F4GVO
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Re: Search Callsign

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Richard

I think you are referring to the 'automatic clear timer' which removes the already entered callsign in the Search Callsign box
The timer is set to around 15 seconds since last the key press?
Not a big problem to increase this a bit, but if I increase too much, it's use becomes less effective, depending on how frequently you (or others) may use a callsign search, e.g. if searching for another callsign after the first one found and that may be less than 15 seconds you would need to manually delete the first callsign entered, thus rendering the clear timer redundant.
What if I increase to about 20 seconds since the last key press, or are you expecting much more than that?

73 Colin
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Re: Search Callsign

Post by G0BLB »

Hi Colin,
Thanks for that extension of time for me that will be a great help.
Best Regards keep safe
Keen user
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Re: Search Callsign

Post by G0BLB »

Hi Colin,
Thanks for time extension that's a great help.
73 Rich G0BLB
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