Same log with 2 rigs

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Same log with 2 rigs

Post by 9h5dx »

Had my Winlog 32 with FT-847 for ages and worked OK . Now have an FTDX3000 which I wish to use also on same log book. (using either one radio at a time)

Is there any way to distinguish a QSO logged by radio 1 or by radio 2 ? - maybe change of entry colour or other identification mode.
I tried to set the new rig 2 as J3E mode instead of SSB in rig settings . The mode changes to J3E in grey box , but SSB show pop up once a new call is entered & enters as SSB .
Any help to make this setup work ?

Thanks in advance
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Re: Same log with 2 rigs

Post by G0CUZ »

At present I can't think of any way to do what you want,

As you probably know the 'active' rig window is the one that the log grabs the frequency from at time of QSO.

I could add a 'flag' option to show which rig was in use at the time, and add that to (say) the User input field if that would meet your needs?

Unfortunately there is no way to colour code the log entries.

Let me know what you think?

73 Colin
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Re: Same log with 2 rigs

Post by 9h5dx »

Hi Colin,
Thanks or your feedback and your excellent program.
If you can make some sort of identification flag , it would be perfect.
thanks in advance
Mike 9h5dx
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Re: Same log with 2 rigs

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Mike

I have made some changes now, and this should give you what you need, will be in next release.

If you would like to test this and see how it works in practice please contact me directly via email and will let you have a pre-release beta file for testing.

73 Colin
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