Country/Band display configuration

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Bit of a boffin
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Country/Band display configuration

Post by F4GVO »

Hi Colin,

I would like to know if there is a way to custom the Country/Band display not by band but by modes ?
I have a long custom list of modes so it took time (a few seconds :roll: ) when checking a callsign to fill up the Country/Band window.
I know there is a better way to check using the DXCC Database but this County/Band is a really efficient and quick way to achieve my goals.

73 de Thierry
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Re: Country/Band display configuration

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Thierry

Only the modes in your Custom Modes list (menu/options/settings TAB custom Lists) will be displayed in Country Band Display.

If there are modes not of interest or no longer used you can delete them from the Custom List, obviously then you will not get the Worked Confirmed Status of Modes not in the list.

There is no independent way to set the Mode list for "Country/Band Display"

73 Colin
Bit of a boffin
Posts: 67
Joined: Sat Aug 08, 2015 9:22 am

Re: Country/Band display configuration

Post by F4GVO »

Hi Colin,

Thanks for your answer. That's confirm what I thought.

Thanks and happy holidays,

73 de Thierry
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