UDP conflict

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UDP conflict

Post by AC1DV »

I am running winlog32 with WSJTX and just installed gridtracker. I apparently have a conflict between winlog and gridtracker. I've changed the UDP in Gridtracker as recommended on different sites. It lists SOME of the stations I am receiving but nothing else. Doesn't show transmit route or other stations. Initially I had antivirus software running and didn't work at all. I deleted that and it ran fine for a short time. Than it started this. I get a GREEN receiving with a yellow outline in the settings screen. I've tried changing the and alternating different UDP numbers 2237, 2238. etc. If I change to some Winlog won't communicate with WSJTX. So now with 2238 in the left box and 2237 in the right box on tracker I get what I described. Basically a partial connection. Any suggestions?
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Re: UDP conflict

Post by G0CUZ »

Sorry I can't hep much, I have never seen or used Grid Tracker, if WSJT is broadcasting via UDP, both programs should be able to listen, but if Gridtracker is also sending data on the same port, then yes - there could be a conflict due to data collisions.

I'll get WSJT-X up and running in the coming week, and see if what options are available for UDP

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