New setup..not logging

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New setup..not logging

Post by N1GDO »

I am setting up a portable QRP setup with an old 10M radio (HTX-100) with a Signalink USB and a Windows 10 laptop for doing digital transmissions.
I have the FT8 working fine.
I installed the Winlog32 and I must have some setting wrong because when I finish the QSO my other system always auto updates eQSL but this one won't... not sure what setting is wrong so any hint or process to try would be appreciated



PS.. Winlog32 is great by the way...
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Re: New setup..not logging

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Frank

You do not say what digi software you are using and is it the same on both systems, if so, first I suggest that you check the eQSL username and password are correct in Options/Settings/TAB realtime Upload.

If that all checks out then perhaps you have some A/V or firewall blocking the outgoing port to eQSL on the other system, there are usually options in the AV to allow Winlog32 access.

If you can let me know what Digi software you are using, I'll check it out, there may be interfaces where I never enabled the auto-upload, I believe some digi soft. will upload direct to eQSL IIRC.

OH, I nearly forget, the option Menu/File/Options - Real-time upload - eQSL must be checked

73 Colin
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Re: New setup..not logging

Post by N1GDO »


Thank you for the response

So sorry I forgot the app I am using.. it is JTDX

The eQSL id and pw look ok.

I believe the eQSL real time upload box is checked..

By A/V I assume that you mean anti virus and I will check that also...

Again thank you for helping me

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Re: New setup..not logging

Post by N1GDO »

Also forgot to mention I am using JTalert... maybe its logging is causing an issue if both are running at the same time..
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Re: New setup..not logging

Post by G0CUZ »

I would try without JTAlert and see if that cure it.

I run JTDX without JTAlert here but I don't upload to eqsl

I will have to look at the code if you get no joy, don't forget Anti-virus and Firewall

I presume that the logging part of the JTDX<>Winlog32 works, just not the upload to eQSL?
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Re: New setup..not logging

Post by N1GDO »

Very close to it working... don't ask me what I did!! I kept tweaking parameters and testing...

Finally it started to look good... I will smooth out the process over the next few days..

I really appreciate your help.... thank you

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