New PC and Winlog32

You may post here if you are having problems with Winlog32 that others may be able to help you with. You may also report bugs so that the author may act upon them.
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New PC and Winlog32

Post by GU6EFB »


A fellow amateur has just purchased a new PC winning windows 10 and a Processor AMD Ryzen 5 3500X 6-Core Processor and 8 GB Ram and an SSD
The shop setup it all up and its running fine.
It also has the latest version of the full office 365 suit installed and that is working fine.

Now here comes the issue.
I have installed a clean copy of Winlog32 which installed with out issue but the problem we now have is when a log is created all looks fine until you log a contact. The contact is logged but on the log page view you just get a white blank line.
If you enter more contacts just more white lines.
If you then click on a line you do get all of the logged info shown in the log entry panel on the left.
Is this issue being caused by the PC having the latest version of the Access database installed which is causing an issue with Winlog?

Hopes the above makes sense

73 Keith GU6EFB
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Re: New PC and Winlog32

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Keith

Yes, I would suspect Office 365

I found that every time MS updates this software - it gets at any .MDB files, although I didn't find it affecting the .LOG files
I put a block on 365 updating and it hasn't happened again, although must admit never found it causing that exact problem,
365 seems to update every 2 weeks or so.

Is Winlog32 installed outside of the \Program files folder?

It sounds like one of the DLL's is being updated during the 365 update but not sure which one.

What happens if you reinstall Winlog32? To replace the DLL's

73 Colin
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