DX cluster overflow??

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DX cluster overflow??

Post by DL4KG »

Hi everybody,

while working in the WPX contest WL32 stopped working several times, saying "WL32 does not react (in German language)". I monitored that it happened always while a stupid guy (F8ZRR) polluted the DX cluster with a lot of skimmer messages. After having experienced that for several times I closed the DX cluster window and the DX cluster bandview window. After that WL32 operated normally without problems. Any idea to overcome this "overflow"?

73´s, Gerald - DL4KG
73 de Gerald - DL4KG
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Re: DX cluster overflow??

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Gerald

I also saw the problem with the skimmer in the contest, during this time I have seen Winlog32 pause for a few seconds to try and catch up which it usually did, but didn't lock, during these 'pauses' it will show the 'Not responding' message if the software is disturbed when trying to'catch-up'.

Hopefully, those providing the skimmer service will have more consideration and have necessary measures in place so this doesn't happen, otherwise I really think this is a problem that the DXCluster software provides should address, as it was a major nuisance to say the least, and like you, I had to close the Cluster as it was not of any use when that was happening.

Hopefully it won't happen again, but will keep an eye on the situation.

73 Colin
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Re: DX cluster overflow??

Post by dl1pan »

I have now noticed more often when a contest is running and I use the skimmer, for example. VE7CC makes use of the fact that WInlog32 often does not start at all.
No chance.
I can only start if I delete the automatic start of the cluster in the INI and create a normal cluster, e.g. use DB0SUE. Even if no contest is running, Winlog32 reacts a little more slowly with the skimmer.
It shouldn't be my PC, it has enough computing power. I also have the probem on my 2nd PC.

Is that still the case with you ?????? Or have you possibly found a solution???
73 de Andreas
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Re: DX cluster overflow??

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Andreas

I think I sent you the 'beta' in which I had started some work with the 'Band View', not sure if you are having problems when using Band View with the DXCluster window, or DXCluster window only?

I have now re-written much of the code for the Band View window, more features and some useful functions, I have also tried to streamline some of the responses to improve performance.

The work is not quite finished but have been doing some soak tests and have not seen lock-ups with Band View linked.

73 Colin
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Re: DX cluster overflow??

Post by dl1pan »

Hi Colin, yes I have the latest beta installed. I only have the DX Cluster window running. No band view.
But I also tested the version before the beta, so I copied the old "Winlog application" back in. Here it was the same problem.
As I said, when there is no contest, it is a bit slower with the Ve7cc than with e.g. DB0SUE.
When a contest is running, I couldn't start it. As already described above. On two different Pcs

But I am hopeful that your new improvements can make a difference.
73 de Andreas
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Re: DX cluster overflow??

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Andreas
Just to add -not much changed on the DXCluster window for a long time, it may be worth setting some filters, either at the host you are using or in Winlog32 DXCluster Options, or disabling any options you do not need as they all add to spot processing time.

You can try also to enable the debug option in File/Maintenance/File Maintenance, to see if it is throwing any trapped errors.
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