New Users and Account Activation

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New Users and Account Activation

Post by G0CUZ »

On a few of occasions during the last couple of years, the Forum has been 'bombed' by spam robots that can circumnavigate any casual security checks when joining the Forum, and there have been times when new membership has been suspended.

For this reason, the process has had to be a bit more stringent, and now requires account activation, this appears to be the only way to avoid this problem.

There may have been times when I have not been able to attend to this in good time, and apologies for this and also if I have missed anyone, I do try to check in on a daily basis but for various reasons this does not always happen.

This registration process is a pain in the butt I know, but if you had seen the extent of the 'bombs' and havoc it causes, and the time it takes putting things right again, I am sure you would understand.

It is also useful if you register with a callsign, that way I can immediately tell whether you are bogus or not.

Thanks for your understanding.

73 Colin
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