Yaesu FTDX-101D

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Re: Yaesu FTDX-101D

Post by G0CUZ »

Hello again Len

A standard USB<>USB cable definitely will NOT work.

You will need USB<>Serial cable with built in chip such as FTDI with it's appropriate driver installed on your PC.
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Re: Yaesu FTDX-101D

Post by GM0ONX »

I'm afraid not, reads the data once and hangs up. At least I get some functionality in that it continuously reads and displays the frequency and mode information with the standard USB cable and Yaesu's enhanced driver.

It also reads and writes CAT data as it should with the standard USB cable and Yaesu's enhanced driver with N1MM but that program is not a patch on Winlog32 as a general logging program. The problem appears that Winlog32 is not successfully writing data to the radio as N1MM can.
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Re: Yaesu FTDX-101D

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Len

So when (lets say) you right-click on a cluster spot to send freq to radio, or when you click on freq on a RCW memory button - what happens?

There is also a 'debug' option in Yaesu V #2 window (settings TAB options), this shows exchanges, if you like to send me some info directly via email and possibly some screen shots I can have a look at?

73 Colin
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Re: Yaesu FTDX-101D

Post by GM0ONX »

Thanks Colin for resolving this issue. Chuffed to bits to have it working again.
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