Export ADIF

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Export ADIF

Post by G0BLB »

Hi Colin,
Hope all is well,
Since the last update ADIF full will not let me do any exporting it is stuck on QSO 1 and the last QSO entry ,
When I double click I get a run time error no 6 and says overflow and shuts the log down I can not alter any thing in this window.
Rich G0BLB
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Re: Export ADIF

Post by G0CUZ »

hi Rich

The Export 'full log' window, functions & behaviour is new and hopefully with improved flexibility, I have tested it in various scenarios and all seems working correct, the operation of this export window is different and there are some on-screen prompts to explain (hopefully).

I presume you can export the full log which is the default range when opening the window?

So perhaps I'll just run through the operation.

You first need to set the LOG to the starting position to export from, note: you can not enter numbers manually!
Then in the Export window double-click on the 'FROM' numeric box, the QSO number will be grabbed from the log and entered into that box and the corresponding basic QSO details shown in the FROM row.

The final QSO position (if required) can be set similarly.

If this is not happening, then please let me know where it falls down, please also let me know what operating system you are using, during testing I've used only W7 & W10.

73 Colin
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Re: Export ADIF

Post by G0BLB »

Colin thanks for the quick return but nothing works in that window it says 1 in from, and the last qso in to double click and it keeps coming up with run time error no 6 overflow and shuts the log down if I jest double click export the same happens I am windows 10 pro all up to date
is there any thing I should be doing before I go to Export I have to use export to send log to QRZ
73 Rich
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Re: Export ADIF

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Rich

I think I found the problem once I had loaded in a very large log (100k+ QSO) and I got same error.

I am going to PM you a link for the fix file, please let me know if it works.

73 Colin
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Re: Export ADIF

Post by G0BLB »

Hi Colin
I have done as you said and I can export the full log now but not part I still get a run time error on the double click for say jest adding 50 qso it will only export the full log.
I let Basil try G4VVP we have had your logs about the same time but he can not get his to export any part of the log he also gets the error come up.
I sent up the full log to QRZ and it went in ok I then came back to my log worked 20 stations and tried to export these 20 but it would only take the whole log in export again
73 Rich G0BLB
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Re: Export ADIF

Post by G0CUZ »

OK Rich, I'm on the case, I'll have another look, how many QSO in your Log?

Ah!, I figured it right away, something else I overlooked, I've fixed this now will let you have the fixed file shortly

73 Colin
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Re: Export ADIF

Post by G0BLB »

Hi Colin,
Well done all ok I have down 5 exports no problems works good.
Thanks for a great logging program the best.
73 Rich
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Re: Export ADIF

Post by G0CUZ »

Thanks for the feedback and comments Rich.

I'll try and get a new release later next week for anyone else who may get this problem, I think it will only affect the larger logs.

73 Colin
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