Problem changing band on log with up/down keys

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Problem changing band on log with up/down keys

Post by G4GZG »

Apologies if this has been covered befroe, but I have one really annoying issue with Winlog. Every so often when changing the band on the log entry, the up/down keys don't work. I've had this on both my dektop and laptop so not a keyboard fault. Anyone know the fix for this ?

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Re: Problem changing band on log with up/down keys

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Larry

I have not been aware of any problem, I guess you realise the cursor should be in the Band Selector otherwise the up/down arrow keys will not work, so anything that happens to take away that 'focus' will upset this behaviour.

I'll keep an eye on this and see if I can provoke that behaviour, or if you can come up with some scenario where this problem will predictably show up, let me know and I'll try and duplicate.

I am normally working with rig control or UDP to control the band selector, so never had a problem myself.

73 Colin
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