Google Maps API

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Google Maps API

Post by G0CUZ »

Registered users......

As per the Winlog32 news page, it looks like to continue to use the Google Maps API, Google will require you to register an account with them, so that if your FREE monthly usage limit is exceeded you will be charged, despite this inconvenience it is unlikely that you would exceed the 'free' limit using the API, but it's up to you if you want register an account which will likely require your bank details etc.

I, for one will not be using this service anymore, however the interface will be there in Winlog32 for anyone who does.

This only affects those registered users who have implemented the MAP API used with Winlog32 (not the integral maps), these changes will also impact other software/web page that use Google API's.

It looks like if you do not register an account by June 11 2018, it's likely it will stop working soon after.

Nothing I can do about it, sorry.

73 Colin, G0CUZ
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Re: Google Maps API

Post by G0CUZ »

I can confirm that the API no longer works on my account as of 19 June 2018.
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Re: Google Maps API

Post by G0CUZ »

Hmm, well Google stopped the maps API working as planned for those without a charge account as announced by Google back in May and posted here.

But in mid-July, surprise, the maps API started working again!!

Recently I have received notification from Google, which seems to imply they have had a change of heart, and have re-instated the API service as it was before providing quotas are not exceeded, at least to existing/previous users.

I am looking for some feedback from other users who use the Google maps API, and what they have experienced, surely I am not the only registered user using the maps API, which after all is a tremendous feature built into Winlog32.

There is no guarantee that the API will continue to function into the future, but at least the Winlog32 Google maps API continues to work for now.

It does seem that during these various changes, Google have changed on how the maps are served, I have noticed on some machines, maps will display as normal, but on other machines they do NOT display at all and no errors are produced, I had noticed this on both Win. 7 and 10 which had previously worked flawlessly on each platform.

This had me puzzled for some time, however, I have now revised the 'maps' javascript file to correct this display problem, and as of 18 July, all is working perfect again at least for me.

Anyone using the API should contact me on how to modify their javascript file, or modify and use the new javascript file that will be included in the next release of Winlog32, although there is no immediate plans for that.

73 Colin
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Re: Google Maps API

Post by G0CUZ »

Just a small update on this.

It would seem that if you obtained a map API registration key from Google BEFORE a couple of years ago, the map API service still works as before!
It appears that they have allowed retrospective 'keys' to continue to work, and this has proved to be the case so far.

My Winlog32/Google maps API still works just fine (October 2018).

I have received no feedback from other Winlog32 Google map API users, neither here or directly.
For this reason I will probably not support this feature further if there is no interest, the functions will remain in Winlog32 for those who may still be using it though.
A great pity as this was a major feature in Winlog32 which very few took advantage of.

The registered users inbuilt MAP feature will continue to work as before, so please do not confuse this with the Google Map API feature.
73 Colin, G0CUZ
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