I switched to a Windows 10 laptop about 2 or 3 weeks ago. My Winlog32 program working great for over that time until about 2 days ago. All of a sudden the LOTW integration is not working in some way. I hit the automatic button and the qsos upload to lotw fine. But when it starts to download the qsl report it comes back with "empty file."
This only started a few days ago. Here is what I can tell you:
* I have not done any windows update. I set it to a metered connection so that the updates would not happen and the system shows it has not done any updates since I did that (and all on lOTW was working)
I have tried the following:
* Uncheck the box that says to check for qsos since and a date.
* Check the box back again but change the date to both earlier and later.
So, that is what I know and what I have tried. Any ideas greatly appreciated. Colin is also aware and looking around. I believe I saw in an older posting this issue but no solutions noted.