Winlog32 Update Window

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Winlog32 Update Window

Post by G0BLB »

Hi All
I have a prefix 100 3/5/2016 I go to down load it says prefix not successful this has happen a few times with this #100
Has others the same problem Hope all is well with you Colin.
73 Rich G0BLB
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Re: Winlog32 Update Window

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Rich

If you were using pre-v6.3.7 then you could experience problems with downloading Prefix database from the software, there have been some changes to the website and inner workings which may affect older versions for awhile until everything is sorted.

The Winlog32 website has been down a few days, but was up as of yesterday, good idea to refresh the pages too, still some minor issues but hope to fix all soon.

73 Colin
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