adding /7 after call making new log.
adding /7 after call making new log.
while making a new log database I couldn't put /7 after one of my callsigns (wa1mhz)
adding /7 after call making new log.
I have replied directly to KS7U about this, but for others who may be interested....
You can NOT have a "/" (slant) in the log database name as this name is used for various file naming and internal functions.
In my case, I could name my log database "G0CUZ-P", "G0CUZ_P" or "G0CUZP".
Then make a 'Station Location' for the log where the callsign CAN have the "/" included.
73 Colin
You can NOT have a "/" (slant) in the log database name as this name is used for various file naming and internal functions.
In my case, I could name my log database "G0CUZ-P", "G0CUZ_P" or "G0CUZP".
Then make a 'Station Location' for the log where the callsign CAN have the "/" included.
73 Colin