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Post by G0CUZ »

I am frequently asked how to do this so here again is a simple step-by-step guide on how to do it.

Ensure that you have added a 'User' Callsign (it's displayed in Winlog32 title bar) this will be used for log-on (it's also possble to change the log-on callsign later).

Open DXCluster Window (menu/DXCluster/DXCluster Start)

Maximise the DXCluster window to reveal the DXCluster toolbar

Click on DXCluster toolbar 'Options' (2nd button)

Select tab 'HOST'

From 'Select Host' drop-down list select "WLNET"

Now close the DXCluster Window

Re-open the DXCluster window - this will automatically start WLNET which starts MINIMISED in windows lower task bar

Click on appropriate task bar tab to show the WLNET window

On WLNET toolbar click on 'Site manager' to reveal the internet DXluster providers (this list is not likely to be complete but it is also possible to enter your own parameters for particular Clusters) .

Select the DXcluster of your choice by DOUBLE-CLICKING and accept prompt "New SIte Selected"

Close the Site Manager window using again the toolbar icon

Click on toolbar button 'Connect' (1st button)

Observer the response in the WLNET window - it will indictae if the connection was sucessful or not.

If not sucessful then try another DXCluster provider in 'SIte Manager'

Set various options to complete the WLNET setup e.g. start DXCluster & WLNET at start-up

You will see the cluster spots added to the Winlog32 DXcluster window.

This should get you going.


To add your own Cluster......

Open 'Site Manager' (as above)

Scroll to bottom of listing

Add your parameters into the columns indicated essential and minimum are Site; Address; Port, other fields are non essential for operation.

Click on the row above your entry - this will automatically save your parameters into the database.

If required select this provider like already instructed above "Select the DXcluster of your choice by DOUBLE-CLICKING and accept prompt "New SIte Selected" and Connect.

Job is done

73 Colin G0CUZ
Winlog32 Author
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