DXCC confirmed?

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DXCC confirmed?

Post by Trond »

At last I found a proper logger. Imported all my QSO from Swisslog and NO problems discovered (exept name & QTH is in the same field...)
My problem is:
How can I list confirmed DXCC contacts in a easy way.

73 de LA2UIA
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DXCC confirmed?

Post by OZ2HT »

I hope this is what you mean ...

Database - DXCC - Edit - The yellow QSL Confirmed , and then you have them :-)

Vy 73 de jorn
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DXCC confirmed?

Post by Trond »

SRI. This didn't work. I guess something happened during converting from SwissLog... It seems I have to confirm all my contacts manually :-(
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DXCC confirmed?

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Trond

Once you have imported your QSO's - you need to run the 'Log Check Robot' (menu/tools) with appropriate option enabled to build your DXCC (etc) databases, also enable appropriate option menu/Databases/DXCC (etc) Auto.

Confirmed QSO's need a flag in the Log QSLIN field - one of the following characters must be present to signify a confirmed QSO: "B", "D", "Y", "V" (= Buro, Direct, Yes, Verified (by LoTW)), do this before using the Robot as the LCR can be a lengthy business on newly imported Logs.

New Users also note that each of the ancillary databases (DXCC, WAS, WAZ, IOTA, etc) hold only ONE (the first found) QSO per Country/Band/Mode.

73 Colin G0CUZ
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DXCC confirmed?

Post by Trond »

All my confirmed QSO's are now marked Y in the QSL In square. When running LCR I checked out for DCXX, Chk QSL card and Add DXCC to user. Still I've only got 8 countries confirmed and 10 worked. My former log reported over 120 wkd and 98 cfmd. I suppose the Graph Band feature will be updated every time I confirm a QSL from a new DXCC country? Still there's something wrong (a bug from SwissLog ADIF file converation??) and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.... (I'm sure it's my fault
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DXCC confirmed?

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Trond

If you would like to email me a copy of the ADIF file you have used for importing and possibly a copy of your Winlog32 log file (..\(Winlog32\LOGS folder) possibly called "LA2UIA.LOG", also a file called "winlog.ini" (..\Winlog32\) folder - I will check everything out on my test installation.

73 Colin G0CUZ
Winlog32 Author
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