User Databases and Award chasing

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User Databases and Award chasing

Post by 4X4-2238 »

Hi Colin

Well , I Found the way to make large DataBases ...

But---Now i got a strange problem (a Bug ? )....

When creating the DataBase With the MS Access , all seems to be ok with the Number of Entries...

For Example :

That's the DCI DataBase , Shown 10,500 Entries : ... ntries.jpg

But -----In Winlog32 , Something is wrong...All Entries are there, But it shown a Total of 501 Number of Entries: ... iesbug.jpg

Same With the DLD USER DataBase :

In MS Access it shown the Correct Number of Entries : ... ry1165.jpg

But----in Winlog32 , USER Feature , it shown a Total of 501 Entries , though , all DoK's are listed ! ... ntries.jpg

Is there any limit for this feature ?
Any idea Colin ?

It is not so critic for me...i just want the Database (*at last*) in Winlog32, though , i want it perfect......

Thanks , 73!


Edited by - 4X4-2238 on 30/05/2006 06:06:27 AM

Edited by - 4X4-2238 on 30/05/2006 06:08:37 AM
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User Databases and Award chasing

Post by 4X4-2238 »


I Just Looked at Few USER DataBase Files that I Got From Others , and the 501 Entries "Bug" Appeared there too....So , i guess it is some Code Issue .

When Looking at the WANTED Page , Everything is ok , the Number of Entries is Corrected , same for the CONFIRMED or WORKED/NOT CONFIRMED Pages . ... ntries.jpg

....The Issue is Only when looking at the All Entries Page ...

Any possibility to Fix that in the Next Ver. ?
Not Critic , most of the ppl Just care how much they'll still need to work ...

Anyway , i believe that i will Upload soon the Stuff i am working on , i think it should be the Best , IF all Those who'r making they'r Own USER DataBase Files , will list it here , Just to Prevent a Duplicate work....

I am working on :

DLD (DoK's Chaser)- Done
UIA(Ukrainian Islands) -Done
DCI(Castelli Italiana)- Working on the Updates ATM.
WAIL(Italians LH's)- Done
RLHA(Russian LH Award) -Done
SPIA -Done

And :

ARLHS(WW LH Award)-Planned.
DFCF(French Castles) -Planned.
DCE (Espana Castles)- Planned.

ok Colin , I Hope to hear from you soon .


Edited by - 4X4-2238 on 31/05/2006 06:10:29 AM
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User Databases and Award chasing

Post by 4X4-2238 »

Progress Report :

I am finished with 24 New User Databases Awards !

Here is the List :

SPIA- Polish Islands Award
UIA - Ukrain Islands
WAIL - Worked Italian LH's
DLD- Duetch Districts Award
DCFP- Portuguese Castles & Fortresses
DCFC-HF - French Castles Award
WABA- Work Antarctic Bases
DCI- Italian Castles Award
DCE - Spanish Castles
JCC -Japan Centuty Cities
JCG - Japan Century Guns
DLTD - German LH's
AL-FA - Argentinian LH
DFP- Portuguese LH's
WLOTA - World LH Award
RLHA - Russian LH's Award
UDA - Ukrainian Districts Award
DCC - Catalonian Castles Award
DPLF - French LH Award
CLHA - Croatian LH Award
BCA - Belgian Castles Award
ULA - Ukrainian LH Award
DMF - French Mills Award
RDA - Russian Districts ( Updated Database )
RRC - Russian Robinson Club (Updated Database)

Basically , i am still Updating the DCI , As per IK1GPG Latest List .

It is not ready to be out yet (The whole Package ) , since , i am waiting for the nxt version of Winlog32 to be out first , few things will be fixed there ( the "501" Entries bug and allowing more then 24 databases in the user ) , but if anyone want a single mdb. file , contact me by a mail , though , i would suggest to wait for the complete Package of my created User file , to be out .

Full Credits , will be given ( for those who helped me to get the latests References List), when the Package will be out .

Cya Soon !
73 !

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User Databases and Award chasing

Post by 4X4-2238 »

Basically , i am still Updating the DCI , As per IK1GPG Latest List .

Ok------Updates are Done ! DCI Mdb. File Is Ready ! :-)

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User Databases and Award chasing

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Eyran and all...

Firstly, congratulations and thank you for your work and interest in this project for the User database feature in Winlog32, I'm sure this will be a great addition for the award chaser and I know that you will be making this file available to all who would like to use it - great 'ham' spirit.

I have no release date for the next version as there is still a lot of ongoing work in different areas, summer-time is also a busy time for me outside the shack so progress is slower than usual.

The bugs are fixed in Winlog32 ready for the user database(s).

Any 'user' database is not distributed with Winlog32, any such database is the property of and responsibility of it's original author(s) and to whom full credit for producing it is given, in this case it is Eyran, 4X4-2238.
All enquiries, corrections, etc. should always be sent to the original author.

I will make arrangments with Eyran to provide details of and a link to his file from the Winlog32 site, when we are ready.

73 Colin G0CUZ
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User Databases and Award chasing

Post by 4X4-2238 »

Hi Colin and all !

Sure it will be Shared with everybody !
I Just do not see any reason to Upload it Now , since the User Database in the Current Version is Limit to 15 , and My Created User Contain 25 Awards Data's .
I Think ppl Can wait For this , and would Get a Nice Package !
I am Responsible For this Database Updates , No Problem Colin !
DCI Is always Under Updates , same for some Other Awards That i am Folowing ...
As For a Link , NP , I will send You a Link with The User File soon !

Thanks Again For Great Feature Colin !
I Really Hope that Others will Create more Awards Databases ....

73 !


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User Databases and Award chasing

Post by 4X4-2238 »

Hi Colin
Great to see the new Update for Winlog32 !
i got your mail , but i canno't access to my mailbox from where i am now 'till 'morrow.
I Will send ya the link and stuff when i'll get back home from work 'morrow .

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Re: User Databases and Award chasing

Post by F4GVO »

G0CUZ wrote:
Pete, M1SOM has sucessfully added two Awards to his User database, the Italian Provinces and the French Departments and he is willing to share this database with any other Winlog32 user, M1SOM is the author and I give him full credit for his work, you must contact him if you would like a copy of his User database (he is a forum member).

73 Colin G0CUZ
Winlog32 Author
Hi Colin, Hi all

I'm looking for the French Departments database. I was going to email Pete M1SOM but I've just read on that he is SK :-(((

If anyone has this specific database, coud you please contact me or made it available to download ?

Thank you very much in advance

73 de Thierry, F4GVO

P.S. I am also looking for others AWARD chasing database. The ones which has been posted in these forum are dead links and won't be able to find them over the net. Thank you in advance for your kindness
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Re: User Databases and Award chasing

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Thierry

Thanks for your interest in the User Award database, I am not sure what happened to the M1SOM dataset, I will have to search my computers to see if I have a copy, but chances are that I removed it for a reason - I really can't remember - but you can see the original thread is 10 years old!

I think the 4X4/Eyran database is still on the server - I just updated the website yesterday, and forgot to include the page devoted to the User awards database!

I hope to fix this later this evening and it will be available again from the download db updates page on the Winlog32 web site.

73 Colin
Bit of a boffin
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Re: User Databases and Award chasing

Post by F4GVO »

Hi Colin,

Thnak you for your answer.
I was able to download 4X4 Eryan user database a few days ago but still don't use it as I was not at home.

73 de Thierry, F4GVO
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