Cabrillo Files fro ARRL DX contest

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Cabrillo Files fro ARRL DX contest

Post by g1zuc »

I am a new user of WinLog32 and I am probably doing stuff totally wrong. I worked a little of the ARRL Inter DX Phone contest over the last weekend 6/7 March. I used WINLOG32 to compile a Cabrillo format submission, but it keeps getting rejected as it is "in the wrong format". I have looked at the Applet on ARRL website and notice that the columns are in a different order.

I would appreciate any help on getting it right if not for this time at least for the next.

Thanks a lot

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Cabrillo Files fro ARRL DX contest

Post by G0CUZ »

Winlog32 is not really intended as contest logging software and there is only limited support for Contest submissions using the cabrillo format.

You do not mention which of the possible Contest export options you used - (there are three options plus a non-contest specific format) and whether you included an optional and appropriate header, unless you are submitting a 'check-log' there are usually quite stringent conditions on what form your submission should take including that of the header.

I am not expert on contest submission, as I am not a regular contester however I will look into it when you ahev advised me on the above export option you chose.

73 Colin G0CUZ
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Cabrillo Files fro ARRL DX contest

Post by g1zuc »

Thanks for the reply.
I tried the ARRL CQ format and the none contest specific one with & without header. This is my first time in a contest, and being a newcomer, having only 70W, and a less than ideal antenna system (due to planning rules in Bath)it was deeply rewarding to be chased by US stations putting out kW+ power. It's nice to feel wanted - hi.

Anyway in my niavity I assumed that the format of the Cabrillo file was fixed (you know a fixed order for the data and fixed field sizes. Having looked at the ARRL applet the column order starts with "Band" whereas my output starts with "Callsign (of station called)". I believe I can fix this submission by exporting as a text file, parsing into Excel, re-arranging cells, and exporting into a space delimited text file. However it would be nice to know whether I am doing something wrong.

Anyway great piece of software - only been using it for 3-4 days but works very well. Still trying to figure out some of the things such as why none W prefix stations do not show up in the DXCC database as USA calls - anyway not too important - if I cannot figure it out in a couple of weeks maybe I'll post that one.

Thanks again for the quick response.



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Cabrillo Files fro ARRL DX contest

Post by G0CUZ »

Hello again Robin

from your description it sounds as though the problem stems from not exporting with added header.

From cabrillo export.
Select Contest ARRL/CQ
Make any changes required to the Header (press first toolbar button to view header)
Press toolbar 'export with Header' (rest the cursor over the button which will tell you its purpose - which will be export..include header.
Check resulting file in "Wordpad" or similar.

I have not tried uploading any such logs forcontest submission, I rely on user feedback such as yours if things aint working properly, as I mentioned before the cabrillo option is not a priority, this format is intended primarily for Contest submission, although it could also be useful for other purposes as the cabrillo file is 'columnised' resulting in an easily viewable text file.

However with enough interest I may get around to improving this facility further.

Further, I will add that I would not recommend exporting whole logs in Cabrillo - I found it takes quite a while to output my 7000 QSO test log.

73 Colin G0CUZ
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Cabrillo Files fro ARRL DX contest

Post by g1zuc »

Thanks for the feedback Colin.

I did try one with the header - same result.

The problem seems to be that the ARRL wants the output in a certain order and limited to certain fields. I can see how to limit the fields but how to change the order is not so clear. Anyway no problem - I used the long way around and did a cut and paste job on the applet within the ARRL contest page - that seemed to work OK.

Winlog seems to be a great package, and I certainly understand that Cabrillo is not a priority.

Next little project is to get the LoTW sorted out as soon as I get my cert back - however knowing the postal service this could be a few weeks away yet..hi

Thanks again for taking the time to come back to a newbe.


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Cabrillo Files fro ARRL DX contest

Post by G0CUZ »

As a final note to above, I intend to give the Cabrillo export a major revision, hopefully some or all will be available for next version (v2.6).

Initially I have included all the templates for the RSGB HF contests, I will be including others, if you have used Winog32 for a particular contest and would like to see it's template added then please let me know and please include a link from where I can obtain the necessary information N.B. This only applies to those Contests where you can submit Cabrillo Logs!

I have said already said that I do not want to turn Winlog32 into Contest software and suggest that you will want to use specialist Contest software if you are taking any entry seriously.

However I do realise that many wish to participate in Contests and use a logger that they are familiar with, perhaps a casual or 'check-log' entry and I do not wish to discourage anyone from doing so whilst using Winlog32, so I would like to get the Cabrillo export functioning correctly.

73 Colin G0CUZ
Winlog32 Author
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