QSL label

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QSL label

Post by DL4KG »

Merry Christmas to everyone!

I have designed a QSL label matching my actual QSL card. As I am operating on many different bands with different equipments I would like to have all labels the same layout execept the equipment information.
I tried to copy the well done label 1 to the other labels but I couldn´t do it. Is there any way to copy a QSL label design to others? Or do I have to adjust every label by hand which will cause a lot of work?

73 de Gerald - DL4KG


Edited by - dl4kg on 25/12/2003 12:38:26 PM
73 de Gerald - DL4KG
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QSL label

Post by G0CUZ »

hi Gerald

There is not any automatic way to do this in Winlog32.

If you are used to manipulating text in a text editor, you may wish to study the contents of Winlog.ini in a text editor, You will see that each QSL label layout is under its own section thus:



You may be able to copy the relative sections and rename the section headers and also the QSL layout data must be changed e.g. "QSL_1xxxx" to "QSL2_xxxx" (etc)
This may be more trouble than it is worth but any way make sure you make a backup of Winlog.ini before you start experimenting.
If making changes to the WInlog.ini file, you will need to shutdown Winlog32 before you start editing or your changes will be overwritten.

73 Colin G0CUZ
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QSL label

Post by DL4KG »

Hi Colin,

many thanks for the information. While reading your post I was already looking into the ini-file and found the different label information.
I will report the result of modifying the ini-file. Perhaps it is also helpful for someone else.

73 de Gerald - DL4KG

73 de Gerald - DL4KG
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QSL label

Post by DL4KG »

It was an easy issue to copy all setup information from label 1 to the other ones. But another topic came up. As I want to print the labels directly on my QSL card, I don´t need the text fields only the data fields. I deleted the field settings in the INI file, but WL32 came back with the default values and the fields are still on the labels.
How can I delete the text files on the labels? Also keeping the text entries blank in the INI file does not work.

73 de Gerald - DL4KG


Edited by - dl4kg on 26/12/2003 7:30:40 PM
73 de Gerald - DL4KG
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QSL label

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Gerald

Any space character on it's own or at the end of Data or text is ignored in the printing routines.

There is more flexibility in the "QSL Card" design & printing option, the Label printing option was designed just for labels really.

The only way I can think that you can achieve 'hidding' the label text with the label printing option is if you set the font colour of the "Label Text" to white - if white is the colour of the QSL Card background? I never tried it but just maybe it'll work.

73 Colin G0CUZ
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QSL label

Post by DL4KG »

Hi Colin,

thanks for the suggestion to use a "white" font. Yes, it works but the rig inforamtion is also blanked now, hi hi. So that is only partly successful. I will try to play a bit with the card designer. Perhaps I can find a good way with it.
Just another idea: Is it possible to put the text colour information into the INI file like the position of the text box?

73 de Gerald - DL4KG


Edited by - dl4kg on 27/12/2003 6:32:40 PM

Edited by - dl4kg on 27/12/2003 6:33:50 PM
73 de Gerald - DL4KG
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