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Country Identification

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2002 5:57 am
by wi8r
I am having a problem entering callsigns and having the program credit
the correct country. I enter, fo0cla/a and it shows French Pol. instead
of Austral Is.. How do I get it to show correct country??

Country Identification

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2002 5:57 am
by G0CUZ

The prefix database allocates the country to each prefix, it's always difficult with the FO0's as they are sometimes working with the same callsign from different island groups/entities. In any case there seems to be a slight hiccup in the prefix database which is ignoring FO/A (it is in the database!) -

As my total QSO's with FO or FO/A = 0, this has not been highlighted before.
I think I know the reason it is ignored and I will correct this for next version - thanks.

73 Colin G0CUZ
Winlog32 Author