Robot feature/duplicates?

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Robot feature/duplicates?

Post by Ricardo »

Hi Colin, and the others...
I havent had much time recently to be on the software, although i have already insert almost my QSO, but ocasianaly after few days I go back to put a few more QSO, and few days ago I discovered that after inserting few new qso i run the ROBOT on DXCC list, and i noticed that it duplicates all past inserted QSO!!!
AM I doing anything wrong or is it like this, personaly I dont like very much to see them duplicated to the list when I go to the DXCC verification!!
PS: I also found a way to delete the duplicated, but after a while that is "anoying"
Anyone have been thru this?

73 de Ricardo
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Robot feature/duplicates?

Post by rhw2 »

Hi Ricardo, Colin.

quote:I havent had much time recently to be on the software, although i have already insert almost my QSO, but ocasianaly after few days I go back to put a few more QSO, and few days ago I discovered that after inserting few new qso i run the ROBOT on DXCC list, and i noticed that it duplicates all past inserted QSO!!!

I seem to remember reporting a duplicate problem with WinLog some time ago, but I could easily be wrong. In case I didn't report it, here's my experience:

WinLog will sometimes quite happily accept duplicate entries in the log data itself. On other occasions, it complains that the duplicate entry has an invalid date or time in it even though the date and time are both valid.

When the Robot runs through the log to scan for WAB entries (the only contest it supports that I specifically collect entries for), it will quite happily produce duplicate WAB entries, and also omits some necessary details in the entries it does produce, thus making the WAB database rather less than useful. However, Colin has explained that he doesn't really understand the requirements for the WAB contest, and I have agreed to help him to sort this section out.

Some of my contacts have provided so much contest details that I have been forced to make multiple entries for them simply because of the rather low limit on the length of the relevant comments. Also, some contacts (all /M ones) have produced multiple WAB squares during a single contact, and the current Robot doesn't handle this at all.

If there are any other problems that people have noticed, please report them, and I will work with Colin on sorting out the precice requirements.

Best wishes from Riley G7GOD / KB8PPG
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Robot feature/duplicates?

Post by G0CUZ »

Regarding updating to the databases, in the case of the DXCC/WAZ/WAS these are multi-band, multi-mode tracking, so your duplicates may be a different band or mode, there should not be any other reason for the QSO to be entered into the database as each time before any update the search routine runs through the approprate database and checks for such duplicates, so there must be some 'difference' to the entry, they should be explained away by band/mode/typo's etc.
In the case of the WAB database - I know this wants sorting - I lost interest in WAB when they decided that I didn't live in a County anymore! - even though I'm sure I must do, anyway I will work with Riley on that one and would be very pleased to receive a accurate County List both current and deleted or whatever is the requirement.

73 Colin G0CUZ
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Robot feature/duplicates?

Post by rhw2 »

Hi Colin.

quote:Regarding updating to the databases, in the case of the DXCC/WAZ/WAS these are multi-band, multi-mode tracking, so your duplicates may be a different band or mode, there should not be any other reason for the QSO to be entered into the database as each time before any update the search routine runs through the approprate database and checks for such duplicates, so there must be some 'difference' to the entry, they should be explained away by band/mode/typo's etc.

I haven't really explored those databases directly, and my comments were relating to a different duplicate problem, that of duplicates in the main log itself. Is there any checking relating to whether an imported entry is a duplicate of an existing entry, as this appears to be where the problem primarily occurs?

quote:In the case of the WAB database - I know this wants sorting - I lost interest in WAB when they decided that I didn't live in a County anymore! - even though I'm sure I must do, anyway I will work with Riley on that one...

The problem with WAB is that it runs in several different formats in parallel, depending on the user. In particular, all of the following are valid ways of using WAB:

All Band, All Mode: Contacts on any band and in any mode count towards the award. This is the only mode that the current WAB system in WinLog supports.

Single Band, All Mode: Contacts on a specific band in any mode count towards the award.

Single Mode, All Band: Contacts in a specific mode on any band count towards the award.

Single Band, Single Mode: Contacts in a specified band using a specified mode count towards the award.

HF All Mode: Contacts on any HF band (any frequency below 30MHz) in any mode count towards the award.

HF Single Mode: Contacts on any HF band (any frequency below 30 MHz) in the specified mode count towards the award.

VHF All Mode: Contacts on any VHF band (any frequency between 30MHz and 300MHz) in any mode count towards the award.

VHF Single Mode: Contacts on any VHF band (any frequency between 30MHz and 300MHz) in the specified mode count towards the award.

UHF+ All Mode: Contacts on any UHF or higher band (any frequency above 300 MHz) in any mode count towards the award.

UHF+ Single Mode: Contacts on any UHF or higher band (any frequency above 300 MHz) in the specified mode count towards the award.

In each of the above cases, some people only include QRP contacts in their WAB award claims, with QRP usually defined as not greater than 5 Watts (7dBW).

To deal with these aspects of the WAB awards, the WAB database itself needs to include the mode and Tx power, as well as the details currently recorded. That would be the first step towards providing a full implementation for WAB purposes.

quote:...and would be very pleased to receive a accurate County List both current and deleted or whatever is the requirement.

I can't help with counties for Ireland. However, as regards the counties of England, Scotland and Wales, a full list of those that existed prior to 1974 (when the Boundaries Commission first stuck its finger in the pie) can be found at and this map also shows roughly where each county was located at that time, as well as showing the Chapman County Codes that are used in Family History circles. It took me ages to get that all sorted out.

As regards the changes since then, let's just say they have been many and varied. I personally have no problem with the current method for entering counties, providing the code allows for counties with two words in their names. As previously reported, in some cases, it currently doesn't, but all of the missing cases I've seen can be added by simply regarding NORTH - SOUTH - EAST - WEST as the first word of a two word county name.

A similar map for Ireland is at but I can make no claim regarding its accuracy as I had no part in creating it.

Best wishes from Riley G7GOD / KB8PPG
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Robot feature/duplicates?

Post by Ricardo »

Hi Colin, Riley and all...
No, its not from difrent bands, modes...
Actualy, I ONLY run Robot with DXCC, Wich is all I am intersted in working for the moment, and the duplicates are indeed exactly the same, if I run robot in AUTO mode, having checked the AUTO mode, starts making the check on all QSO inserted, after that I EDIT the DXCC database, and see again duplicates of past QSO that have already been cheked before!
I runed ROBOT tree times with out inserting any QSO and it triplicated several QSO (CALLSIGNS) made only one time/mode/band etc...
I will make a print screen and send you Colin...

73 de Ricardo
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Robot feature/duplicates?

Post by G0CUZ »

Hi Ricado

I am curious as to what is happening, and certainly duplicates should NOT be added to DXCC database.
I would suggest that you send me a copy of your "DXCC.MDB" file so that I can investigate the problem.

73 Colin G0CUZ
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Robot feature/duplicates?

Post by Ricardo »

Hi Colin, and All...
Sorry I havent had much time lately, but will send you the file soon!

73 to all

73 de Ricardo
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